Bring cash or check to place in the offering box located just inside the sanctuary's double doors.
Click the button below and type your account or credit/debit card information on our secure e-service website from Vanco.
Click the button below to download & save your information on the Vanco mobile app from the google play or apple store.
Proverb 3:9
Through your contributions, Messiah Lutheran Church is able to share the message of God’s redeeming love to the larger community and equip the saints for His work. God desires relationship with us and gives His people the strength and compassion needed to make it through life and difficult times. We desire to do the same.
Thank you for your support of Messiah Lutheran Church and its ministries.
faithful."1 Corinthians 4:2
your produce." Proverbs 3:9
Lord..."Colossians 3:23
soul?" Mark 8:36